Our selection of accommodations
Nature Trail at our residence

Yellow Crowned Nighteron

Bahama Woodstar


Loggerhead Kingbird

Painted Buntings

Red-legged Thrush

Certified Wildlife Habitat
Meet Your Host
Your host at Grand Bahama Birders' B&B is Erika Gates, Certified Bahamas Birding Guide, Author of many bird columns and reports on birding and birding events. She also wrote "Natives of the Bahamas" - a Guide to Vegetation and Birds of Grand Bahama. In 2010 Erika received the Lifetime Achievement Award for her outstanding contribution in Bird Conservation on Grand Bahama Island by Birds Caribbean, formerly The Society for Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB). In 2000 she was the recipient of the Cacique Award presented by the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism to an individual that has consistently provided visitors with an outstanding sustainable tourism experience. Erika will be happy to be your guide, she speaks German fluently as she was born in Germany. If you decide to bird on your own she will mark the best birding sites for you so you can find your Bahamas target species during your stay.
Erika Gates
Birding and Photography on Reef Golf Course
Great Egret at tranquil pond
Birding at Garden of the Groves
Majestic Palms
Pond Crossing
Picturesque Ponds
Common Gallinule

Western Spindalis

Greater Antillean Bullfinch
Northern Parula
We are only a three minute walk from the ocean and beautiful Lucaya Beach, and the "birder-friendly"
Reef Golf Course with eleven ponds is only a ten minute walk away.
We offer free WiFi (wireless internet), maid-service and air-conditioning as well. Bicycles are available for a small fee.
Our guests have unlimited free access to the tropical Garden of the Groves (www.thegardenofthegroves.com).
Jeep rentals can be arranged. In addition all guests receive a 20% discount on all adventure excursions of
Grand Bahama Nature Tours (www.grandbahamanaturetours.com).
For further B&B information and rates please call +1 242 357 5054 or Email b&b@3d-boxx.com